Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hay, Pellets, and Poop.

Alright, guys! I have great news! I've found the love of my life. He loves me and appreciates me, and every move I make. He will sit in bed with me for hours, coming to cuddle whenever he realizes he's just a little too far away. He's so soft, warm, and loving... but he eats and poops all the time. His name is Bruiser, and he is my pet rabbit.

This little guy has been so much more than just my pet rabbit, he's been a wonderful friend. Not only has he learned things from me (such as walking around in a little red harness) but I've also learned from him. I've learned valuable lessons about love, appreciation, and friendship.

Don't ever bite the hand that feeds you.
Literally or figuratively, this is a very important lesson that I've learned. I took this into the real world, recently, when I quit one of my jobs. I hate the idea of burning bridges, but unfortunately that is exactly what I did. After quitting my job, I received this little bundle of joy and realized that there are people out there who go out of their way for you on a daily basis, there are people that take chances on you, hire you, and care about you. Appreciate that because one day, when you quit your job and realize you probably shouldn't have, you'll miss it if it's gone.

Other people's feelings matter.... a lot.

For some people, it's quite easy to walk about their day only worrying about what's going on in their own lives and paying little to no attention to the world around them. Last week, I was drowning in homework and midterms and spent very little time playing with my honey bunny. I would come home and his cardboard house would be flipped upside down and he was very impatient. I realized that I took the responsibility to have Bruiser as a pet, so I need to be responsible for his well-being as well. In the real world, you're an individual. However, the world does not revolve around a sole individual, and neither should you. Regardless of gender, race, and love interest, there are people in the world who are different than you. That does not make these people "wrong," "damned to hell," or "stupid." Actually, in my humble opinion, if you describe other people in this way... you're probably just describing yourself.

Getting mad about little shit isn't worth it.
Bruiser's nickname is "little shit," because he literally poops almost all the time. His favorite place to poop is my soft, blue, and comfortable bed spread. He will find some way to jump up onto my bed and the next thing I know there are 20-30 small poop pellets everywhere. Yes, it's annoying and kind of gross, but shit happens...literally. Instead of getting frustrated at his natural instinct to poop on anything soft, I pick him up and put him in his cage, and pick up all the poop pellets and put them in the poop corner of his cage. This is to reinforce the idea that poop belongs THERE and not on my bedspread. When he's running around the room and goes back into his cage to do his business, I reward him with a sweet berry treat. Sometimes, when life is shitty, you just have to take a deep breathe, pick it up, and move on.

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