Sunday, October 28, 2012

Gratitude Journal

As an avid blogger and self-help addict, I've stumbled upon multiple sites suggesting a "Gratitude Journal." Sure, seems easy enough, right?

Every day, write down 5 things you're grateful for. They can be simplistic, realistic, or meaningful. Attempting to appreciate the smaller things in my life, I'm going for a simplistic list today. The things I over-look on a daily basis.

Today (October 28th 2012), I'm Grateful For:

1) Bread when I'm hungover
Fighting a mean case of Barefoot Moscato after-math, I've never been so grateful for simple bread and butter. Polishing off a full (large) bottle of Barefoot has left my stomach churning and my body yearning. However, as I buttered up a few toasted pieces of bread, I've never been more thankful for my wheat/yeast product.
2) Friends I can laugh for hours with
As my friend and I recover from our Barefoot night (mentioned above; we both had a large bottle to ourselves), we reminisce over our crazy antics. Laughing and hungover, I love that I have someone to relate with.

3) People who appreciate me for the way I am
I cuss, I drink, and I smoke. I forget to thank the people that deal with that daily. However, underneath that, I am caring, smart, and occasionally funny. When people see my flaws but appreciate the latter, I know I've found true friendship.

4) Nicotine
As a smoker, I'm grateful for my rush of nicotine in my morning cigarette. Often, I find myself immune to feeling my nicotine high, and I'm so grateful when I do. It is what I spend my money for, right?

5) Dunkin Donuts coffee
Morphing the entire list together, Dunkin Donuts coffee is a must. Sharing it with a friend you can laugh with, as you smoke a cigarette and eat toast, it ties in everything I'm grateful for today. Thank you, Dunkin, for only charging me $2.68 for my XL Hazelnut coffee this morning.

What are you grateful for?

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