Serial Monogamy: The act of "religiously" being with a single person at a single time. Religiously meaning there is no chance/action of being attracted to multiple people at a time. This is to the point of discomfort when with/talking to more than one person,
Serial monogamy is often characterized by people facing severe low self-esteem, anxiety, and/or depression. Feeling unnecessary anxiety of being 'played' or 'playing,' serial monogamists are very loyal and faithful.
When ending a relationship, serial monogamists prefer to know when and with who their next relationship will start; preferring to prolong a failing relationship until promises of another one arise. Serial monogamists often keep each relationship for long periods of time.
However, when a serial monogamist is facing a relationship where there is not enough attention/respect, they'll seek it somewhere else. With no actual attempt of seeing another person, a serial monogomist will still seek attention if they need it; remember most are facing severe low self-esteem issues.
Serial monogomists often seek constant reassurance from their partner; needing them to reinforce the fact they like/are attracted to them. Their relationships often fail because of their lack of trust in their partner.
I Am: A Serial Monogamist
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