Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How-To: Forgive Yourself

Overcome with anxiety and depression, forgiving myself for my sins/wrong-doings has always been a problem.

How could I do this? What's wrong with me?! 

Fortunetly, there isn't anything wrong with me. I'm a normal human being with the capacity to feel guilt and shame. Unfortunately, because of my anxiety, I can't ever let it go. Here is a guide that I've been trying to form and follow for years.

How-To: Forgive yourself

1) Accept yourself and your flaws
No one is perfect, including yourself. Realize this and I promise your life will improve. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone can do wrong by themselves or by others, and you are not alone.

2) You are not a bad person
There is a big difference between doing something bad and being a bad person. Not all of our actions define who we are at heart, it's what we do with the lessons learned.

3) Talk to someone
Don't lock up your feelings, talk to someone. If reassurance is something you need -- then go get it. I promise you'll find it. However, I often find myself saying, "but you don't understand!" They do. Maybe not down to the fine details, but like I said before -- everyone screws up. Often this other perspective can open up a new feeling.

4) Talk to your inner self
Sometimes you know all of the answers -- just find it.

5) Do the best friend test
Imagine your best friend had done exactly what you did and then came to you for advice. What would you tell them?

You would reassure them and tell them not to be so hard on themselves. You would tell them that everyone makes mistakes. You would tell them that they deserve to be forgiven.

Why can’t you say this to yourself?

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