Monday, October 15, 2012

What Do You "Need" In Relationships?

In the course of my love-life, all two relationships, I've found that I stick with the same person because I'm so hooked on the idea of being in love. However, it never works out with my significant other because they lack the things I need.

Call me high maitencence, but I do hold my my men to a certain standard. Although, for the most part, I'll make excuses justifying why  they don't meet up to my needs -- in the end, they just don't.

Needs are needs, and when mine aren't satisfied, I'll go elsewhere so they are. Some of my needs are stereotypical and materialistic, but they are my needs regardless.

There is no shame in needing things from your significant other, and when they don't meet up to these standards, there is no shame in moving on.

Things I Need From My Significant Other

1) Understanding
It's important for me to have a man that will understand my bad moods, off-days, or my ridiculously high standards. They don't have to have gone through the same experiences (I'm not looking for an identical twin), it's just important they try to understand what I am going through.

2) Honesty
If something is wrong, tell me. If something isn't wrong and I ask, understand my paranoia (thank you past relationships) and move on. Don't cheat either, obviously.

3) Attention
By attention, I don't mean every second of every day (eventually I'd murder them if they wouldn't leave me alone, ha!), I mean that I want you to recognize and appreciate our relationship. Text me once in a while (good morning, good day, good night) and let me know that you remember we're in a serious commited relationship.

One of my exes always said I needed attention to be happy, and to a certain extent I think this is true for everybody, but he was one who would go days without texting me. If it's asking too much to call me occassionally then I'm not with the right person. Plain and simple.

4) Drive
There is nothing more attractive about a man than his drive to succeed or accomplish goals he has set for himself. Life is not a party, although there isn't any shame in letting lose once in a while, so give yourself goals and work to achieve them. This can be with work, school, personal life, whatever. I just want to know that if you say you'll do something, then you will do your best to do so.

What are your needs in a relationship?

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